85. And Where Weâre to at Being, Then
As the possibilities for capital’s expansion of profit shrivel
Through fraud, rivalry & the running out of all resources
One above all remains – the mass of population. Sell them
Into slavery again & again
Each time let them pay the price for themselves in full. Let
Every expectation be removed of how we can escape this.
This is the end of history as the few crush us all. They’ll
Falter incapably.
Each ripped tendril of our shared humanity unshared will shrivel.
Our future drifts en masse across rubble & filthy silt, resource
-less in every sense: small-scale coteries of Sawney Beanes them
-selves lost for ever again.
And again. Can we think or act how to get out of this utter abjection?
Rioting & burning are only the beginning, the need to refuse & probably kill
Every gated development, public school, private clinic & financial instrument
Until burning, burning, burning
the rawness of our wounds
still stabbing, stories
of resistance in the borderlands
only together
only a part, this part
of what must be opened
the true book
of our final history
which shall otherwise
remain unwritten ever.
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